always at the heart of the research to offer you innovative green solutions.
Research & Development
"The heart and soul of a business is creativity and innovation"
- Robert Iger
In its constant desire to offer innovative services and tailor-made solutions, Enutech makes a point of doing scientific research and experimental development (SR & ED) related to the decontamination of soil and groundwater.
Biogeochemical liquid formulations developed in the laboratory are environmentally friendly and subscribe to the principle of industrial ecology through the integration of local inputs.
SR & ED allows Enutech to develop a personalized approach: the solution provided corresponds to the specific needs of the client and is adapted to the conditions of the site to be rehabilitated. Operations - as a whole - are optimized.
In close collaboration with the university research community and thanks to various scholarships and grants from various levels of government, Enutech has developed expertise to rehabilitate in situ without excavation of contaminated sites:
Petroleum hydrocarbons (PAH, C10C50, BTEX);
Halogenated hydrocarbons (PCE, TCE, TCA, DCE, CV, PCB, chlorinated and brominated pesticides);
Metallic Trace Elements (ETM).
Our partners
Research & Development
Major awards and grants
Research & Development
Phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated soils:
Project subsidized by the «Fonds d'Action Québécois pour le Développement Durable (FAQDD) (Sustainable development Action Fund of Quebec)». Its main focus was aiming at the hyperaccumulation of metals and disposal methods (i.e.: compost) after low-temperature incineration of the organic matter.
Development of the technology ENU-DCl (formerly EnuBiodechlor XL):
Within the framework of the financing program Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC), Enutech developed and fine tuned various formulas, both chemical and biological, targeting the degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil and groundwater.
Conceptual model for transport, transformation, and enhanced natural attenuation of petroleum hydrocarbons:
Grant from Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) of the National Research Council of Canada (NRCC). Enutech developed and fine tuned various formulas, both chemical and biological, targeting the degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil and groundwater.