In December 2010, ENUTECH was mandated to carry out the in situ environmental remediation of soils and groundwater contaminated by perchlorethylene – or PCE – (dry-cleaning solvent) on a site in Saint-Sauveur.
As a part of this mandate :
Two requests for a Certificate Authorization were prepared and sent to the ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques (MELCC)
A complementary characterization of soils and groundwater was carried out, followed by soil and groundwater remediation using an in situ treatment process
Characterization of Contaminated Soils
Before ENUTECH’s work, another firm had initiated a characterization of the contaminated soils and groundwater to assess the extent of contamination. After that, ENUTECH carried out a further exhaustive characterization. The maximum concentration measured on the site after the characterization work was 36,300 mg/kg perchlorethylene (PCE). An excavation was performed to remove the shallow contaminated soils, which reduced the maximum concentration measured before treatment to 27,000 mg / kg.
Remediation of Contaminated Soils
In-situ soil and groundwater remediation work was conducted between September 2011 and December 2018 after obtaining Certificate Authorizations. A reducing biogeochemical solution was periodically injected into the site's soils and groundwater to degrade perchlorethylene (PCE).
Injection wells were installed to create three permeable reactive barriers to treat the groundwater. Soils were treated via the injection wells and by Direct Push as well.
Following the in situ rehabilitation work, the soils found in the initially determined enclave met criterion "B" of the Intervention Guide for a 99% reduction in perchlorethylene (PCE) concentrations.